Ingredient Spotlight: Figs
Ingredient Spotlight: In Polish language, there is a playful expression when someone wants something and you don't want to give it to them, you say I will give you a fig AKA nothing.
Oh, how wrong they are!!! Figs are far from nothing. From jams, to salads, to gourmet sauces, to convenient snacks, figs have been consumed for pleasure for centuries. They are sweet and delicious, but also pack a nutritional punch.
Let's look at why we should be including figs in our diets.
Figs are a fruit, loaded with fiber and pre-biotics supporting healthy gut bacterial flora and promoting digestive health, especially for people watching their weight or suffering from constipation.
Figs are high in Copper and vitamin B6, which aid in metabolism, energy production, formation of blood cells, neurotransmitters, connective tissues, and support brain health. High in Calcium and Potassium, they help keep bones strong.
Figs are also beneficial for skin with a slew of antioxidants and fatty acids, plus magnesium, calcium, potassium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6 and C, all important for glowing skin.
So enjoy figs, more energy, better brain, radiant skin and strong bones and try our delicious, nutritious, mood boosting On-Guard.